Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sweet Memories

Days have gone past,
With you and me as friends.
So will they go again?
With you and me away
Into the highlights of life
I am there and where are you?
I will search for you,
For what you’ve given me
Memories like fresh flower in the mist.
Years might pass,
But they will stay along,
With me, in me, inside me
Fresh and sweet
As you’ve left them with me
All through my life.

when u came....

You came like a cool breeze,
And stroke my heart with cyclone.

You came like a lightning,
And thundered my mind with rain.

You came like a shining star,
And twinkled my face with smile.

You came like a drizzle,
And showered my life with joy.

You came like a stream,
And drenched my dreams with your love.

You came like a pretty bird
And flew away with my soul.
Leaving me alone in this world
You went far away from me
And blistered my feelings with pain

fading love...

Earth leaps up, sky falls
Time expands, distance contract
Tree blur, roads sharpens
Sand amplify, color merge
The horizon charges inwards
And the rearview mirror
Of my love for you loses all its meaning.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


She came into my life as a brisk gale,
And gave happiness to my face of pale.

She came into my life as a story of love,
Showered Joy and care in my heart.

She came into my life to wipe my tears,
And washed away from my mind the presence of fear.

She led me to the days of happiness
And away from the days of terrible pain.

She was the one
Who made me winner
The best friend of mine
Is as sweet as wine
How can I forget her?
She, my dear who cares so much for me…..


Ships may sail away…
Wind may blow away….
River may flow away….
Roses may die away…
Clouds may float away…
Friends may go away….
But my love for you
Will never fade away from my heart

Why did I meet you ever??

Where did u come from?
My dreams or imaginations…
You are like the summer sun
In my mind of rainy clouds

The rain comes down from the skies
Like a drop of pain from my eyes...
You are like the shining sun
In my lightless home.

My mind is like the beautiful trees.
Shedding and dropping beautiful leaves.
When I met you first,
My aim was to get you at best,
Even if we are not born for each other.

Why did we meet?
To cry or laugh together.
Searching for the answer... Why did I meet you ever??

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Your B'day

You are the Gift of your mother…
She is the one who prayed for you at time of your birth,
She is the one who took the pain at the time of your birth,
She is the one who shared her life with you,
Yes, your Birthday is a special day to her….
She remembers the battle that she fought.
She had waited for this day to arrive….
Your Birth is the new beginning to her…
Her faith, belief and devotion came true today,
She took care to make you see the world…
Filled with tears she gazes at you
She loved you right from the start…
She held you close to her Heart to shower the never ending love
She never feels that she has given enough.For you she will always do her best.
The bond that grows will never falter.Her love is so strong it will never alter
So on this day shower your Mother with Love.Gifts and presents you get are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a Hug and thank her for this day...
That will be the biggest celebration on your Birthday……